.. _development: =========== Development =========== Setting up a development environment ==================================== Check out the code. .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/OnroerendErfgoed/uriregistry.git Create a virtual environment (require virtualenvwrapper). .. code-block:: bash # Create a new environment $ mkvirtualenv uriregistry # Activate an existing environment $ workon uriregistry Install requirements. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt $ python setup.py develop Run the application with the sample config :file:`sample.yaml`. .. code-block:: bash $ pserve development.ini Point your browser at http://localhost:6543 to see it in action! Configuring a UriRegistry ========================= Your UriRegistry can be configured with a YAML file. By default, a file :file:`sample.yaml` in the `uriregistry` package is used, but you can change this withing your own :file:`development.ini`. .. code-block:: ini uriregistry.config = %(here)s/myapp.yaml In this config file you specify which applications can be called by the registry when looking for URI's in use. You can also specify for each URI template in what application it might be found. .. code:: yaml applications: - uri: http://localhost:5555 name: app1 service_url: http://localhost:5555/references - uri: http://localhost:2222 name: app2 service_url: http://localhost:2222/references uri_templates: - match_uri: http://id.erfgoed.net/foobar/\d+ applications: - http://localhost:5555 - http://localhost:2222 - match_uri: http://id.erfgoed.net/bar/\w+ applications: - http://localhost:5555 - match_uri: http://id.erfgoed.net/foo/.+ applications: - http://localhost:2222 Testing ======= Tests are run with pytest. We support the last python 2.x release and the two most current python 3.x release. To make testing easier, use tox. .. code-block:: bash # Run all tests for all environments $ tox # No coverage $ py.test # Coverage $ py.test --cov uriregistry --cov-report term-missing tests Adding pyramid_urireferencer to an application ============================================== When you want to add an application to the network of applications, you need to include the :mod:`pyramid_urireferencer` library. Add it to your :file:`requirements.txt` and :file:`setup.py` requirements. Add the library to your application by including the following in your main: .. code-block:: python config.include('pyramid_urireferencer') Now you need to configure your application. Edit your :file:`development.ini` and add two configuration options. .. code-block:: ini # settings for the urireferencer # A dotted name indicating where your referencer can be found urireferencer.referencer = myapp.referencer.MyReferencer # The url pointing towards your own UriRegistry urireferencer.registry_url = http://localhost:6543 Of course, you also need to write this referencer. To do this, create an object that implements the abstract :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.AbstractReferencer`. Depending on your needs it might be easier to extend the :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.Referencer` since this class already has a :meth:`~pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.AbstractReferencer.is_referenced` method and only requires you to implement the :meth:`~pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.AbstractReferencer.references` method. .. code-block:: python from pyramid_urireferencer.referencer import Referencer from pyramid_urireferencer.models import ApplicationResponse class DemoReferencer(Referencer): def references(self, uri): try: # Generate a demo response has_references = True count = 8 items = [] for x in range(1, 5): items.append(Item("itemname_" + str(x), "http://demo_uri/" + str(x))) success = True except: has_references = None count = None items = None success = False return ApplicationResponse( 'My application', 'http://app.me', 'http://app.me/references', success, has_references, count, items )