API Documentation



Load the configuration for the UriRegistry.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to the config file in YAML format.
Returns:A dict with the config options.

Parse the relevant settings for this application.

Parameters:settings (dict) –
uriregistry.main(global_config, **settings)[source]

This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.

Parameters:global_config (pyramid.config.Configurator) –

Models module

class uriregistry.models.Application(uri, title, service_url)[source]

Represents the config for an application.

  • uri (string) – A uri that identifies the application
  • title (string) – A title for the application
  • service_url (string) – The url for the service that can be queried
class uriregistry.models.UriTemplate(match_uri, applications)[source]

Represents the config for a certain uri template.

  • match_uri (string) – A regex that needs to be matched.
  • applications (list) – A list of application uri’s.

Does the URI match this template?

Parameters:uri (string) – URI to be matched
Return type:boolean

Registry module

class uriregistry.registry.UriRegistry(applications=[], uris=[])[source]

Central registry that tracks uris and the applications they are being used in.


Get all applications that might have a reference to this URI.

Parameters:uri (string) – Uri for which the applications need to be found.
uriregistry.registry._build_uri_registry(registry, registryconfig)[source]
  • registry (pyramid.registry.Registry) – Pyramid registry
  • registryconfig (dict) – UriRegistry config in dict form.
Return type:



Get the uriregistry.registry.UriRegistry attached to this pyramid application.

Return type:uriregistry.registry.UriRegistry

Views module

uriregistry.views._get_registry_response(application_responses, uri)[source]

Generate the final response by aggregating all the application responses.


pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse with all information the registry has collected

Utils module

uriregistry.utils.query_application(app, uri)[source]

Checks if a certain app has references to a URI.

  • uriregistry.models.Application – The application to be evaluated
  • uri – The uri that has to be checked
Rtype pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse:



Gets the Referencer from config and adds it to the registry.


Get the referencer class

Return type:pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.Referencer

this function adds some configuration for the application

Models module

class pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse(title, uri, service_url, success, has_references, count, items)[source]

Represents what a certain application will send back to the registry when asked if a certain uri is used by the application.

  • title (string) – Title of the application
  • uri (string) – A uri for the application, not guaranteed to be a http url.
  • service_url (string) – The url that answered the question
  • success (boolean) – Was the querie successful?
  • has_references (boolean) – Were any references found?
  • count (int) – How many references were found?
  • applications (list) – A list of items that have a reference to the uri under survey. Limited to 5 items for performance reasons.
static load_from_json(data)[source]

Load a ApplicationResponse from a dictionary or string (that will be parsed as json).

class pyramid_urireferencer.models.Item(title, uri)[source]

A single item that holds a reference to the queried uri.

static load_from_json(data)[source]

Load a Item from a dictionary ot string (that will be parsed as json)

class pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse(query_uri, success, has_references, count, applications)[source]

Represents what the registry will send back to a client when asked if a certain uri is used somewhere.

  • query_uri (string) – Uri of the resource unser survey.
  • success (boolean) – Were all the queries successful?
  • has_references (boolean) – Were any references found?
  • count (int) – How many references were found?
  • applications (list) – A list of application results.
static load_from_json(data)[source]

Load a RegistryReponse from a dictionary or a string (that will be parsed as json).

Referencer module

class pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.AbstractReferencer[source]

This is an abstract class that defines what a Referencer needs to be able to handle.

It does two things:

  • Check if a uri is being used in this application and report on this.
  • Check if a certain uri is being used in another application by query a central registry.

This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced from resources in other applications.

Parameters:uri (string) – URI of the resource that needs to be checked
Return type:pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse

This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced by any other resource within this application.

Parameters:uri (string) – URI of the resource we need to check for
Return type:pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse
class pyramid_urireferencer.referencer.Referencer(registry_url, **kwargs)[source]

This is an implementation of the AbstractReferencer that adds a generic is_referenced() method and a plain references() method..


This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced from resources in other applications.

Parameters:uri (string) – URI of the resource that needs to be checked
Return type:pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse

Rendererers module

pyramid_urireferencer.renderers.application_adapter(obj, request)[source]

Adapter for rendering a pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse to json.

Parameters:obj (pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse) – The response to be rendered.
Return type:dict
pyramid_urireferencer.renderers.registry_adapter(obj, request)[source]

Adapter for rendering a pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse to json.

Parameters:obj (pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse) – The response to be rendered.
Return type:dict

Views module