Source code for pyramid_urireferencer.referencer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import abc
import requests

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .models import RegistryResponse

[docs]class AbstractReferencer: """ This is an abstract class that defines what a Referencer needs to be able to handle. It does two things: * Check if a uri is being used in this application and report on this. * Check if a certain uri is being used in another application by query a central registry. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def references(self, uri, request): """ This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced by any other resource within this application. :param string uri: URI of the resource we need to check for :param request: :class:`pyramid.request.Request` with useful configuration information and connections of the application (registry, route_url, session) to determine the references :rtype: :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse` """
[docs] def is_referenced(self, uri): """ This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced from resources in other applications. :param string uri: URI of the resource that needs to be checked :rtype: :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse` """
[docs]class Referencer(AbstractReferencer): """ This is an implementation of the :class:`AbstractReferencer` that adds a generic :meth:`is_referenced` method and a plain :meth:`references` method.. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, registry_url, **kwargs): ''' :param string registry_url: Locatie where the central registry can be found ''' self.registry_url = registry_url
[docs] def is_referenced(self, uri): """ This method checks if a certain uri is being referenced from resources in other applications. :param string uri: URI of the resource that needs to be checked :rtype: :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse` """ try: url = '{0}/references'.format(self.registry_url) r = requests.get(url, params={'uri': uri}) return RegistryResponse.load_from_json(r.json()) except Exception as e: log.error(e) return RegistryResponse(uri, False, None, None, None)