Source code for pyramid_urireferencer.renderers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyramid.renderers import JSON

from pyramid_urireferencer.models import (

json_renderer = JSON()

[docs]def registry_adapter(obj, request): ''' Adapter for rendering a :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse` to json. :param pyramid_urireferencer.models.RegistryResponse obj: The response to be rendered. :rtype: :class:`dict` ''' return { 'query_uri': obj.query_uri, 'success': obj.success, 'has_references': obj.has_references, 'count': obj.count, 'applications': [{ 'title': a.title, 'uri': a.uri, 'service_url': a.service_url, 'success': a.success, 'has_references': a.has_references, 'count': a.count, 'items': [{ 'uri': i.uri, 'title': i.title } for i in a.items] if a.items is not None else None } for a in obj.applications] if obj.applications is not None else None }
[docs]def application_adapter(obj, request): ''' Adapter for rendering a :class:`pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse` to json. :param pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse obj: The response to be rendered. :rtype: :class:`dict` ''' return { 'title': obj.title, 'uri': obj.uri, 'service_url': obj.service_url, 'success': obj.success, 'has_references': obj.has_references, 'count': obj.count, 'items': [{ 'uri': i.uri, 'title': i.title } for i in obj.items] if obj.items is not None else None }
json_renderer.add_adapter(RegistryResponse, registry_adapter) json_renderer.add_adapter(ApplicationResponse, application_adapter)