Source code for uriregistry.utils

import logging
import requests

from pyramid_urireferencer.models import ApplicationResponse

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def query_application(app, uri): """ Checks if a certain app has references to a URI. :param uriregistry.models.Application: The application to be evaluated :param uri: The uri that has to be checked :rtype pyramid_urireferencer.models.ApplicationResponse: """ try: r = requests.get(app.service_url, params={'uri': uri}) a = ApplicationResponse.load_from_json(r.json()) return a except Exception as e: log.error(f'Could not check if uri {uri} is known to app {app.title} (uri: {app.uri})') return ApplicationResponse(app.title, app.uri, app.service_url, False, None, None, None)